Permits You May Need for Your Renovation Project-Part 2



7/26/20233 min read

Different renovation projects in New York City will require different permits based on the scope and impact of the work. Here's a breakdown of who might need different permits and when they are required:


Permit Types:

ALT Type 1 Permit:An ALT Type 1 permit is required for major alterations that involve significant changes to the building's use, occupancy, or egress. It is necessary for projects that may affect the building's structural elements or its overall fire safety and egress systems. This type of permit is typically required for extensive renovations, additions, or changes that significantly impact the building's core features. It is needed by property owners or developers undertaking significant structural changes or modifications that affect the building as a whole.

ALT Type 2 Permit: An ALT Type 2 permit is required for major alterations that do not affect the building's use, occupancy, or egress. It is necessary for projects that involve significant interior renovations, but does not impact the building's overall structure or fire safety systems. ALT Type 2 permits are required for projects like interior fit-outs, changes to non-load-bearing walls, or extensive remodeling of interior spaces. It is needed by property owners or developers conducting substantial interior renovations.

Limited Alteration Application permit: The LAA process is used for minor alterations that do not require full plan examination and have minimal impact on the building's structure and systems.The LAA permit is typically used for small-scale projects like minor plumbing or electrical work, installing fixtures, or making cosmetic changes. It is used by property owners or developers undertaking minor alterations that have limited impact. eg. Convert a tub to shower; Replace a sink.

Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC Permits: These permits are required when the renovation involves alterations to the plumbing, electrical, or HVAC systems in the building. Any licensed plumber, electrician, or HVAC contractor performing work in these respective fields will need to obtain the relevant permit for their specific scope of work.

Asbestos Abatement Permit: If the building was constructed before the 1980s and there is a possibility of asbestos-containing materials, an asbestos abatement permit is required when disturbing these materials during renovation. Licensed asbestos abatement contractors will need to obtain this permit before conducting any asbestos-related work.

Demolition Permit: A demolition permit is required for projects that involve significant demolition work, such as removing load-bearing walls or large portions of the structure.Property owners or contractors responsible for demolition activities will need to obtain this permit.

Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) Approval: LPC approval is required for exterior alterations in historic districts or for designated landmarks. Property owners or developers seeking to make exterior changes to buildings in historic districts or designated landmarks will need to apply for LPC approval.

Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Approvals: Some projects may need approvals from the DEP if they involve water or sewer line connections.Property owners or contractors involved in projects requiring water or sewer line connections will need to obtain DEP approvals.


Limited Alteration Application permit

Limited Alteration Application permit

Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC permits

Asbestos Abatement permits

Demolition permits

Landmarks preservation commission(LPL) Approval

Depart. of Environmental Protection ( DEP) Approval


Remember that the specific permits and approvals required will vary based on the project's scope, location, and building type. It's essential to consult with professionals familiar with NYC's building codes and permit processes to ensure compliance with all regulations for your specific renovation project.